Talk To Me

Did I ever tell you, the first time I saw you, I fell?  In love?

dscf1336That we were in the making for a year and a half – you just didn’t know it?  That I stayed silent, keeping my emotions in check and that it seemed like forever, and even longer?  That, for 1 year, 6 months, the voices in my head, time after time, gave me reasons?  Reasons to stay silent?  That, I finally plucked-up the courage, to say something?  That…  That… That….?

The first time I saw you, words I never heard before hummed in my head.  Hummmmmmmm.  The first time I saw you I wrote a first poem.  And a second.  And then, a third.  And, with all those sweet humming words, I wrote a fourth, and have not stopped humming words since. But after 1.6 years, with all those letters, and with all those words, I didn’t even know how write out your name.

I thought the moon and stars rose in your eyes.  I did.  I still do.

Like so many times before, times which I know like the back of my hand, you walk into the room, you grab a coffee, and you sit down next to me.  And, like the back of my hand, which I know so well, the voices tell me to stay silent.  I do.  Once again, we sit, side-by-side, silence in-between our space.  But then I hear that hummmmmmmmm.  Those sweet words, those sweet humming words start to fill my head.  Build, build, build.  Building until I have enough words to finally ask, ‘did I ever tell you, the first time I saw you I fell?  In love?’

You smile that smile that I know like the back of my hand, and reply, ‘yes, that’s why I married you.’